Explore Our Work

Project Support
Projects Support’s primary objective is economic empowerment of women and rural communities through a robust, self – sufficient microbusiness ecosystem.

Social Justice
At the heart of the NMRW mission lies the commitment to facilitate an understanding of the constitutional rights amongst the constituents of NMRW.

About NMRW
The National Movement of Rural Women (NMRW) is a non-profit
organisation founded in South Africa in 1986 and registered in 1990.
NMRW focuses on the empowerment of women in rural areas through project support and social justice.

Maluti Piggery in Limpopo.




"Empowered women, empower women."
Shagasheng Garden identified by the NMRW in is located in Limpopo region with ten female Project Members.
“Arejeng Ditswa Mmung gardening project compromises of a team of five women and employs three men to help man the project. Through the help of the National Movement of Rural Women (NMRW) our project produces Spinach on 2 and a half hectors of land and supplies to big chain stores like three boxer stores and one Spar store. These stores order from us two to three times a week. We are able to pay our employees decent salaries thanks to the NMRW.”
- Adolphina Pinkie Moyai
Project member of Arejeng Ditswa Mmung gardening project

“We started our Project in 2012 with four women and one man. Our objective was to create economic opportunities and develop our community. The NMRW helped us acquire some resources including a borehole, a fence, storeroom, working tools, sand and cement. Through valuable insights and guidance of the NMRW, we were able to purchase a truck for our business to ensure a timely delivery of blocks to our customers.”
- Zilaphile Pretty Nxumalo
Chairperson of the Sakha Imbokodwe
Primary Co-operative
“Our gardening project started with about 30 women in the 90’s. We struggled a lot with it over the years. Each woman literally brought with her a large piece of wire to fence it. We walked long distances to carry water just to water our produce. The project now has boreholes for water, pipes, taps, a proper fence and toilets which it did not have before the NMRW intervened. We have been able to formalise our payroll and in return, we have been able to beautify our homes with our earnings.”
- Phumzile Qwabe
Project member of Sizanani Garden

Vhakona Bricks was identified by the NMRW in 2016, located in Masia Tshipuseni Village in Vhembe District Limpopo and has five female Project Members.
KwaZulu Natal
The NMRW started operating in this region in 2014. With 16 projects and 90 members, the women are involved in gardens, broilers, bakeries, brick
projects, beadwork, pottery, piggeries, peanut butter and sewing projects.
There are about 28 projects in the region that the NMRW is involved in, with start dates ranging from 2006 to 2016. These projects have a wide range which includes organic farming, cleaning, poultry, beading, knitting, baking, brick making and glass fitting amongst others.
North West
The NMRW started operating in this region in 2016. 20 projects and 136 members are involved in the following projects: gardens, broilers, bakeries, brick projects, beadwork, pottery, sewing projects, and beekeeping.
The NMRW started operating in this region in 2018. With 102 members across 13 projects, activities include: gardening, broilers, bakeries, bricks,
beads, pottery, piggeries and sewing projects.

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